Hollywood Reservoir Landslide and Slope Restoration


Record amounts of rain during the winter of 2004-2005 washed out numerous sections of the road along Hollywood Reservoir, making them impossible to traverse. Various landslides made other parts of the road impassable. Beyond just road issues, the slides affected numerous structures. Several homes on the western edge of the reservoir above the slides were red-tagged. As a result, the Department of Water & Power (DWP) chose to prevent public access to areas below due to safety concerns. The eroded slope area at the back of lots 2900, 2904 2912, 2920, and 2932 Lakeridge Drive was redone and backfilled after the installation of the soldier piles that were intended for slope control. A temporary construction access road is also shown as part of the constructability of the soldier pile installation.


Owner: City of Los Angeles, DWP
Year Project Started: 2008
Year Project Constructed: 2010
Project Cost: $3 million
Contract Amount: $84,225
Address: Back lots of 2900, 2904, 2912, 2920, & 2932 Lakeridge Drive, Hollywood, CA 90068
Client: URS Corporation